
For more information about CHALINE please contact:如要了解有关CHALINE树脂的更多信息,请联系:Sales headquartersUchikanda TK Building,1-5-13 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan营业总部邮编101-0047 日本国东京都千代田区内神田1丁目5番13号(内神田TK大厦)Main office and factory2-17-33 Kitago, Echizen, Fukui Prefecture, Japan总公司、工厂邮编915-0802 日本国福井县越前市北府2丁目17番33号Nissin Chemical Industry Shanghai Co.,Ltd.〈100% owned subsidiary〉Grand Cru Room 50, 5F GIFCⅡ,1438 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 201103 P.R.China霓信化学(上海)有限公司〈全资子公司〉邮编201103 中华人民共和国上海市长宁区虹桥路1438号 古北国际财富中心二期5楼 Grand Cru 50号室Nissin Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.日信化学工业株式会社● 请遵守安全数据表和技术资料的注意事项。● 本系列产品仅限于工业用途。● 本目录中的数据,并非标准值。使用产品前,请进行现场测试, 确保产品符合使用用途。 注意,此处所描述产品用途可能与现有专利相违背。因对产品性能改进或规格变更, 本目录中产品信息可能发生更改。● 转载或引用本产品目录需获得本公司同意。电话:+81-3-3295-3931(总机)电话:+81-778-22-5100(总机) 电话:021-6197-6251传真:+81-3-3295-3929传真:+81-778-24-0657传真:021-6197-6210EnglishEnglishEnglish中文中文中文2023.5. Printed in Japan.● Please follow the instructions on the Safety Data Sheet and Technical Data Sheet.● These products are for industrial use only.● The data presented in this catalog are representative values. Always perform on-site testing prior to implementation to make sure the product suits your needs. Please be advised that the usages described here may infringe existing patents. Due to our continuous quality improvements and specification upgrades, the information in this catalog are subject to change without notice.● Please contact us before reproducing or quoting this catalog.Website!WARNING注意!1800Series

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